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Yes, I am one of “those” kinds of people – the sappy kinds of people. I am a sucker for love and all the details that come with it! Like how you met, who asked who, where the proposal happened, did you know it was going to happen, etc. etc. I nerd out on wedding stuff. What can I say, this is my jam!

Hey! I'm Mariah!

someone signing a marriage license as a way of how to include family members in your wedding ceremony
person helping a bride put on their veil
Ashley Kidder Photography | @ashleykidderphotography

When planning your wedding ceremony, the most important thing is to make sure that it reflects you and your fiance’s personality, style, and values. If your family has played a significant role in you and your fiance’s relationship, why not include them? Figuring out how to include family members in your wedding ceremony is the perfect way to honor them.

They can play a special role and add an extra layer of meaning to the occasion. If you’re not sure how to include family members in your wedding ceremony, don’t worry! We’ve got you covered. In this blog post, we will outline 6 unique ways to include them in your big day.

Ask them to share advice or a special toast, poem, or blessing

someone holding a mic up to someone as they give a speech at a wedding

One way to include family members in your ceremony is to ask them to share some words of wisdom or a special toast, poem, or blessing. This is a great option if you have family members who are particularly eloquent or have played an important role in your relationship.

They can share their thoughts on love and marriage, offer some advice for the future, or simply express their excitement for the two of you. Not only will this be a meaningful moment for you and your fiancé, but it will also be a cherished memory for your family members.

Let whoever you feel most comfortable with walk you down the aisle

Another way to include family members in your ceremony is to let whoever you feel most comfortable with walk you down the aisle. This could be your father, mother, sister, aunt, uncle, cousin, or another close relative. The most important thing is that you do what feels right for you.

Ask a family member to perform the ceremony

If you’re looking for a truly unique way of how to include family members in your wedding ceremony, why not ask one of them to perform the ceremony? They can personalize the ceremony to reflect your relationship and your shared values, and they will be able to add their own special touch to the occasion.

Ask family members to be your witnesses

hand signing a marriage certificate while someone else holds the paper down

Another way to include family members in your wedding ceremony is to ask them to be your witnesses. This is a simple but significant way to involve them in your big day. Your witnesses will sign the marriage license and will be there to support you and your fiance as you exchange your vows. Plus, this will make for a great photo opportunity that you will cherish forever.

Have family members enter the ceremony just before you

If you want to make a grand entrance on your wedding day, why not have your parents, grandparents, or other significant family members enter the ceremony just before you? This will allow them to take their seats and be seated before you make your grand entrance. It’s a small but special way to involve them in your big day and give them the honor they deserve.

Ask a family member to perform special music

Finally, another great way to include family members in your ceremony is to ask one of them to perform special music. It’s a great way to add a personal touch to your ceremony and to involve your family members in a meaningful way.

We hope that these ideas have inspired you and given you the perfect way of how to include family members in your wedding ceremony. What’s your favorite way to incorporate family members in your wedding ceremony? Let us know in the comments!

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  1. […] 6 Unique Ways How to Include Family Members in Your Wedding Ceremony […]

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